100 TROY-SCHENECTADY RD, PO BOX 196, WATERVLIET, NY 12189 518-274-3673

Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks?

Recently, we noticed an amazing transformation in our Doudoukjian zoo, which includes a dog, cat, 2 guinea pigs, and a crested eye gecko! Sadie has been our dog for over three years now. She is a unique and crazy pup. Whenever we fed her, she never chewed her food, rather it was always inhaled and consumed whole.

Five months ago Smokey the cat joined our family. He too is unique and crazy – fits perfectly in our home. Of course, the cat eats his food slowly and chews each bite.

Today, the dog and cat eat together, sometimes even the same food, whether cat or dog food. They also drink from the same water bowl! They have learned to co-exist. Recently, a small miracle occurred, Sadie now CHEWS her food. She has learned it from Smokey the kitten.
We thought Sadie would never learn a thing and that her situation was futile, that was until a little kitten came along and taught her a few things!

Do you have a situation that you see as hopeless, futile, or impossible?
Remember that you have in God, a Father who loves you, a Saviour in Jesus Christ that saves you and a Holy Spirit that comforts and guides you. All things are possible with God.

I don’t remember too many of my seminary Greek lessons, but the word “Metanoia” comes to mind with this situation. An example of Metanoia from Jesus Christ is found in Mark 1:14-15 — “Jesus came into Galilee announcing God’s good news, saying, “Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!” (ESV)

Metanoia ​ ​is about ​ ​turning back,repenting, ​ ​thinking differently ​ ​an ​d ​changing our lives for the future.
It is ​ ​in and through faith ​ ​that ​ ​we can make changes to better our present situations ​ and for His Kingdom.​
Pray about it ​, consider worship​ this Sunday at 10am and expect an encounter with God and let’s begin the process of “Metanoia” together.

And ilk ​e ​Sadie, the dog, ​maybe ​we too ​​can learn new ​ ​tricks ​​in our lives.