The Sunday School staff (2018-2019 students and staff pictured left) is a group of dedicated parishioners who volunteer their time to teach our children about their Christian faith and Armenian heritage. While the children are learning about their faith and heritage, we also want them to learn about how we worship and express our faith. We have a rich Christian tradition. The students are taught the Church hymns/prayers in English and Armenian, Bible stories and Christian values. By understanding the hymns and prayers in the Church Service and how they are based upon Christian teachings, the children gain an appreciation of our traditions and style of worship.
Any person wishing to bring their child to Sunday School would be welcomed into our community at any time during the year. Classes are available for students from Pre-School (4 yrs old) through high school. Sunday School is held September through June on Sunday mornings starting at 10:15am. New students are welcome at any time! If you are interested in enrolling in the Sunday School please contact the Church office.