Divine Liturgy:

Liturgical Hymns:
Holy Communion:
The Kiss of Peace ~ Voghchooyn:
Requiem services (Hokehankist):
Hokehankist is scheduled on the first Sunday of the month, unless a 40-Day Memorial (Karasoonk) is needed. Please keep this in mind when planning requiem services for your loved ones. Contact the Church office to make the necessary arrangements.

Altar Flowers & Altar Candles:
One way to celebrate the life of a loved family member or a friend is to donate either altar flowers or candles for the Divine Liturgy. This can be for a name day, birthday, anniversary or on the occasion of a requiem (Hokehankist). You can donate Altar Flowers or Candles by clicking here, or please contact the Church office to make the necessary arrangements.
“Gift of Prayer” Ministry:
St. Peter Armenian Church “Gift of Prayer” cards will provide an avenue for our parishioners and friends to have prayers offered through the church for any occasion. Your prayer requests will be specially remembered upon the Holy Altar of God during the Sunday Divine Liturgy (Badarak). Both the person making the prayer request, as well as the people we are praying for, will be remembered. A beautiful “Gift of Prayer” card will be sent out to the person(s) as an acknowledgment of your prayer request. Over the years, we have received many phone calls for a variety of prayer requests and now, the “Gift of Prayer” ministry will offer the church a formal and organized means for this to take place. To request the Gift of Prayer, click here.
Fellowship Hour:
On most Sundays following Church services, there is a fellowship hour in the Gdanian Auditorium (church hall). If you, or a member of your family, are celebrating a special event (birthday, anniversary, promotion, retirement, etc.), why not share the joy with your Church family by donating refreshments for the fellowship hour. You might also wish to do this in memory of a loved one, as a thanksgiving, or just in “fellowship.” Please contact the Church office to make the necessary arrangements.