100 TROY-SCHENECTADY RD, PO BOX 196, WATERVLIET, NY 12189 518-274-3673


For the over 120-year history of St. Peter Armenian Church, printed church periodicals have provided special notice to all the parishioners, informing them of past and future events.  In the beginning of the parish’s history, the Loosaper was the primary source of news — other than through conversation and word from the pulpit. 

In these times of internet and social media, news and announcements of the church are shared in a variety of ways — e-mail, website, Facebook, YouTube, etc.  The printed form of media seems almost obsolete; however, the Loosaper constitutes and will continue to be a vital and historical record of the life of the St. Peter Church community.   Although different in appearance, the Loosaper will continue to highlight major events and serve as a record of sacraments, donations, and messages.  We hope you enjoy this new format. 

The Loosaper contains topics relevant to the life of the St. Peter Church Community, such as: Messages from the Catholicos, Diocesan News, Pastoral Comments, Parish Council Reports, Church Organizations, Parish Community News, Local Community News, Cultural, National, and International News of interest. 

The Loosaper is issued quarterly, four times per year. Copies of each issue are distributed to parishioners, former parishioners, friends, and Armenian churches and clergy throughout the country. Financial support is partially provided by Patrons listed in the back of each issue. In addition, Christmas Greetings donations and other monetary donations from individuals help support our publication. All of which we very much appreciate.

Currently over 560 copies of each issue are being distributed with 260 receiving the Loosaper at their postal address and about 300 receiving it electronically.  The preparation of each issue of the Loosaper is coordinated by our invaluable Church Secretary, Lori Payette, who compiles and prepares the typed copy for editing and proofing by volunteers. After completion of the final editing and layout, Lori prepares the final copy for transmission to the printer and to the e-mail recipients. Mailing is also handled by Lori and various volunteers. Volunteers are needed and are always welcome to help with any part of the preparation of the Loosaper including the editing, proofing, and/or mailing. Our special thanks to all volunteers who assisted with the Loosaper this year.

The Loosaper is a church publication and we appreciate the cooperation of the church organizations in providing reports and photos of their activities for each issue. We also welcome the submission of articles, reports and photos of interest from the parishioners and members of the church community, especially regarding special events and activities.

The Loosaper also offers advertising space for businesses. Contact the Church office for more information on placing your ad in the Loosaper.



Loosaper Signup

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