100 TROY-SCHENECTADY RD, PO BOX 196, WATERVLIET, NY 12189 518-274-3673

As a baseball loyalist, I loved how Derek Jeter’s final game ended at Yankee Stadium last week. It was wonderful to witness a piece of history. Many of you know that I am not a Yankee fan, but rather a Met fan. However, I have great respect for Derek Jeter. On the evening of September 25th, I would dare say that a miracle took place and that the baseball gods were hovering over the house that Ruth built that night.

I am not an advocate that professional athletes are role models, In Jeter’s case, he is humble, respectful and prayerful – and those attributes are worthy of modeling. Derek Jeter was good for the game of baseball, he was good for youngsters to emulate and he was good to share his faith with all of us.

I was brought to tears when Mr. Jeter took his final walk alone through the infield, and when reaching shortstop, he paused, crouched down and made the sign of the cross. On the worldwide stage he was not afraid to do something essential to his being – relying on his faith and proclaiming his faith.

In a span of 21 centuries, many have venerated Jesus Christ and His Cross. Last Sunday, the Armenian Church celebrated the feast day of The Holy Cross of Varak. It was on Mt. Varak, during the 7th century, that two monks were led by an apparition of the Cross of Christ to the monastery of Varak.

When they arrived, they found the relic of Christ’s Cross and they immediately bowed and venerated the Holy Cross. Fourteen centuries later, people still venerate the Cross of Christ in various ways. Last week, we witnessed Derek Jeter’s devotion as he bowed and made the sign of the Cross.

Thank you Derek Jeter, I was inspired and spiritually moved.

May Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross continue to inspire and lead people to a deeper relationship with our Lord.